Category: Bridge cranes

The Type A Bridge Crane is a collapsible unit intended for measuring discharge or for sediment sampling from bridges. The crane is made from structural aluminium and stainless steel material. The crane includes a winch mount to accommodate the WS300 & WS400 (optional) sounding winch as well as USGS type A reel. It is simple to put up and folds down into an easily carried sized
package with no nuts and bolts to put in or remove.

The Type A Bridge Crane is a popular measuring outfit which is used for weights and sediment samplers up to 45Kg.

The Type A Bridge Crane consists of a two heavy duty in -line wheels fitted to the base assembly, a fixed third (roadside) wheel, and all the necessary supporting chassis components. When in use, the crane is tipped up and stands on the two inside wheels while the crane rests against the bridge railing with the boom arm been extended 1 metre out over the river. The two in-line wheels provide stability when the crane in contact with the handrail.

Special features:
- Robust Construction.
- Easy to install and use
- Operates in a narrow space
- Collapsible crane for transport purposes
- Used with weights up to 45 Kg
- Light weight approximately 25 Kg without the winch

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